Dan Semua telah hilang… potret kehampaan
Apa yang kutakutkan kini menjadi nyata
Tersisa hanyalah... sesal tak habisnya
Kebodohan yang memaksa... membuatku nista
Namun percuma meyakinkanmu
Kau memutarkan fakta
Pengorbanan tak lagi berarti
Asma'ul Husna

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010
Sweet As Revenge

Band Members :
- Dinand (Vocals)
- Qzoot (Guitar)
- Mamie (Guitar)
- Febri (Bass)
- Nanda (Drum)
- Nishade (Keyboard)
Sweet as Revenge secara resmi berdiri di Jakarta pada awal November 2003. Dimulai dari pertemuan Max, Qzoot (gitar) dan Febri (bass) di sebuah distro di Jakarta.
Berawal dari obrolan mengenai interest yang sama pada genre post-hardcore, kemudian berlanjut dengan keinginan untuk membuat sebuah band yang memainkan musik post-hardcore itu sendiri. Waktu berjalan, dan berdirilah Sweet as Revenge.
Minggu, 21 November 2010
Suicidal Tendencies
Early career, controversy, and first hiatus (1981–1986)
Suicidal Tendencies was formed in 1981 as a hardcore punk band in Venice, California. The original line-up of the band consisted of Mike Muir on vocals, Mike Ball on guitar, Carlos "Egie" Egert on drums, and Mike Dunnigan on bass. After the recording of its first demo, Carlos Egert left the band and was replaced by Dunnigan's brother Sean. Muir, at the time a student at Santa Monica College, originally only intended Suicidal Tendencies as a "party band" for fun, but as the band grew in notoriety he soon found the band at the center of his life.Suicidal Tendencies had a rough start that included being voted "Worst Band/Biggest Assholes" in Flipside in 1982.Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
Alun-Alun Nganjuk
Lunga tak anti – anti kapan nggonmu bali
Mecak’e endahing wengi kutha Nganjuk iki
Sumilir angin wates nggugah kangene ati
Apa kowe ora ngerteni
Kowe tak kangeni
Mecak’e endahing wengi kutha Nganjuk iki
Sumilir angin wates nggugah kangene ati
Apa kowe ora ngerteni
Kowe tak kangeni
Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010
With that tongue-in-cheek battle cry, the nerdsome foursome declared their war against mediocrity. Fueled by the omni-ambitious doctrine of ALL (not ALL the band... that comes later the concept, based on the TOTAL EXTENT, the peak of pinnacles) and a series of caffeine binges, the essences of punk and pop were percolated together in a way that has yet to be recreated, though many have died trying. Ranks of sympathetic adolescents, previously excluded from the ferocious world of punk rock, followed the sound. They boldly strapped on their glasses, wiped their noses on their sleeves, and launched into the slam pit chanting the DESCENDENTS' refrain "I'm not a loser" like a mantra.
With that tongue-in-cheek battle cry, the nerdsome foursome declared their war against mediocrity. Fueled by the omni-ambitious doctrine of ALL (not ALL the band... that comes later the concept, based on the TOTAL EXTENT, the peak of pinnacles) and a series of caffeine binges, the essences of punk and pop were percolated together in a way that has yet to be recreated, though many have died trying. Ranks of sympathetic adolescents, previously excluded from the ferocious world of punk rock, followed the sound. They boldly strapped on their glasses, wiped their noses on their sleeves, and launched into the slam pit chanting the DESCENDENTS' refrain "I'm not a loser" like a mantra.
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Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
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Saya yakin, Anda pasti bosan dengan cursor berbentuk panah itu. Dengan trik kali ini, Anda bisa mengganti cursor panah tersebut dengan gambar-gambar yang menarik setiap kali blog Anda dibuka. Caranya pun sangat mudah.
Senin, 27 September 2010
Agnostic Front
Pada awal '80-an, New York City terperosok dalam hutang dan kejahatan, bergulat dengan salah satu periode yang paling berusaha dalam sejarah, namun, ironisnya (atau, mungkin pantas), scene musik underground yang sedang mendidih dengan aktivitas seperti pernah sebelum Masih terguncang. Dari awal kekerasan dan ledakan berikutnya dari punk rock, 100 anak-anak kurang mampu yang tinggal di Manhattan dan distrik terpencil yang mulai membentuk grup rock dengan jalur kereta api terhadap percobaan sehari-hari, bahaya, dan prasangka dari keberadaan kota seperti sudah terjadi di pusat-pusat kota lain yang sama-sama dipengaruhi oleh tahun-tahun awal resesi bersandar-laced dari Reaganomics (terutama LA dan Washington, DC), New York menjadi melting pot / hub untuk adegan hardcore berkembang.
Petualangan Ridho menjadi anggota band diperkirakan tamat pada 2001. Ternyata, dia salah. Band terdahulunya sempat membuatnya putus asa karena tidak ternama. Setelah sekian lama mati suri berkarya, Ridho mulai tergerak untuk bermusik. Kendati tidak disikapi secara serius, Ridho iseng membuat lagu. Medio 2008, dia memperdengarkan lagu-lagu instrumental ciptaannya kepada rekan terdekat. Bermodal program Innuendo, Ridho asyik berkreasi. Bassist Dikdik dan gitaris Uus menyambut dengan antusias untuk menghidupkan karya-karya ini dalam wujud band.
Minggu, 26 September 2010
Scared Of Bums
Nano - Sebatas Mimpi
intro: A B C#m F#
F#m A B
Saat pertama
C#m B
Ku dekati dirimu
A G#m F#m
Menuruti semua inginmu
F#m A B
Saat pertama
C#m B
Ku dekati dirimu
A G#m F#m
Menuruti semua inginmu
Rabu, 22 September 2010
Beside - Aku Adalah Tuhan
Aku adalah tuhan
Dan akulah air mata, Aku binatang
Akulah setan Untuk diriku, aku adalah Tuhan
Henti pikiran, jadi aku adalah miliku
Aftercoma - We've Lost All Wars
why is it hard to believe everything
you cannot feel, cannot heal, cannot scream
as everything went wrong, you're just fled
we're never big and strong, never will
Beside - Dosa Adalah Sahabat
Lari berlarilah
tutup mata bungkam mulutmu
Khianati pungkiri hatimu
Tataplah.. dosa mengikuti setiap nafasmu.
Jangan kau pungkiri , takan kau dustai
tutup mata bungkam mulutmu
Khianati pungkiri hatimu
Tataplah.. dosa mengikuti setiap nafasmu.
Jangan kau pungkiri , takan kau dustai
Senin, 20 September 2010
Paramore - Brick By Boring Brick
She lives in a fairy tale
Somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of a world that she's left behind
It's all about the exposure, the lens, I told her
The angles are all wrong now
She's ripping wings off of butterflies
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of a world that she's left behind
It's all about the exposure, the lens, I told her
The angles are all wrong now
She's ripping wings off of butterflies
Netral - Boring Day
Feel the morning coming soon
And I can see the sun rise from my bed
Now the things of day come
And I stil cannot erase you from this head
All I do is only hope
Dream without a darkness cloud
And I can see the sun rise from my bed
Now the things of day come
And I stil cannot erase you from this head
All I do is only hope
Dream without a darkness cloud
Jumat, 17 September 2010
Scared Of Bums – Boring
I’ve been sitting here, four hours ago
And I do nothing I don’t thinking
There’s only one thing that always keep me up
Of all my problem I’ve tried to solve
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